Thursday, June 22, 2006

Day 1 (again) of the day on the open sea

I shall maintain that my quill pen has a life of its own and enjoys dipping itself in invisible ink while I write a log. ( My internet browser crashed while I was trying to post the first post) Either that or the book hates me at the moment. I shall maintain it is the former... either that or someone will be in alot of pain, namely me.

Very well here's another introduction. My shipmates keep asking me if I've been logging my daily events, being the procrastinator I have been I'm finally starting only now. So I shall begin by introducing myself.

You can call me Captain Codfish, though my real name is heh I'll just leave it to you to figure out, I'm just plain lazy to type it out. I'm a 17 year old captain of a rather small ship which sails through the seas of time. I shall be documenting my life as it goes along. Storms will be expected, be it internal or external. Though the internal ones are often the worse. Have you ever tried chasing a rain cloud out of a hold? Its havoc I assure you, with nothing else other than a broom. And often you accidentally, maybe "accidentally" actually.... hmm I just made another alliteration (there I did it again!)... hit others with the broom in the process.

I enjoy alliteration and many other things, possibly called crazy by the other captains who know and see me, though I'm sure and hoping that my shipmates know better, but oh well, I am crazy, ever seen a captain try to sail a ship backwards? (walking backwards is fun :D)
Now to actually explain what I mean:

The ship represents my life, The sea represnts whatever I meet along the way in time, hence the seas of time. My shipmates would be the people closest to me. I shall be writing in the format as above and if anyone has trouble understanding what I mean, feel free to ask for an explaination. I enjoy writing in a way that screams "Absolute nonsence" to some people. Might be a while before I post another entry since I'm a procrastinator... speaking of which I have alot of work to do... Words in italics means I'm talking sensible, or at least trying to not being Captain Codfish. Why a codfish of all fishes?! Easy I like alliteration, plus I'm a piscean. This fish sense to you?

The yearly midyear ship examinations arrr (arrr pirates get it? ^^;) coming soon soo I should really get down to polishing and cleaning the ship. So long and thanks for all the fish!

This is Captain Codfish signing off, praying the invisible ink won't act up again... though this time I'm making a copy of it. So I wouldn't have to rewrite all this, holding a quill pen with flippers is a daunting task indeed.


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