Saturday, September 30, 2006

Observations from the deck: Living

All too often, I see people making a living and not a life. I suppose its getting harder and harder to have a life. People have dreams they wish to obtain, so much that they forget to live. Everybody loves to dreams and it'll be wonderful to obtain whatever they sought for, but hey there's flowers to stop by and smell.

Greed and the want to possess fuel our economy. Our want to stay ahead of our competitors. So here's my question, for what?

To stay alive? Well thats the only valid reason I could come up with, though it makes me wonder about the state of our society these days when money and status is valued... Hey wait a minute, its not only today but our history, Rousseau has a point when he said that society corrupted men.

Aye all right I conceed so we all want to possess things, we all want people to work together and so on, but the question is are we willing to give and work for others, even when we do not stand to benifit? I doubt so but well I've seen cases which disagree.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel that our generation, the Y generation, rather make a life than a living.

Makes me wonder, what makes a "life" then.

I suppose it is something we value, something we treasure and would never want to let go. I suppose it means filling it with what we cherish such as people and so on, and actually spending time with them... because well, our hearts need a reason to keep beating. So we live for others don't we?

But in today's society, when people spend more time at work or at school than at home, its rather hard to make the connection no? Some people I know would rather spend the entire day away from home due to the lack of family love. Others, due to work, do not see their family, for instance, leaving before the kids wake and returning when the kids are asleep. Its saddening.

Or even when we're at home, we still have work to do. We get so consumed with our work that we forget those around us. Then they die, then it hits you.



At 11:42 am, Blogger The Uranian Aquarian said...

Good analysis. All in plain sight, and yet so little people see it.... Sigh....


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