Sunday, October 15, 2006

It takes an internet village to raise a child

It isn't everyday you come across something that would help shape your life. I came across this site when I was about 12 or 13, can't remember honestly and I've been a member there for about 5 years.

Recently I wrote a post on it. Here's the main segment of it:

I like to call this place a village, where people know each other well. Its a place where friendships are born. We know whats going on with our fellow villagers, who's getting married, who has a new family member, who's having a tough time in life and school, and we're willing to reach out a helping hand to those who need it and will accept it. We share our experiences, recepies, tales, jokes and ledgends to those who are willing to hear them. We welcome new comers. We mourn the members we've lost, and each saturday night, the bell will chime for people to gather at this place called the chatroom to hang out.

George and Ginger would be like the mayors of the town, and the admins patrolling. Wooden Nickel the guy who enjoys telling jokes to people and lessons in life. Hey, Hey, Paula announcing everybody's birthdays to the village so they know they aren't forgotten. MsPriss and Aromatics sending messages of love,care and hope to others. (not that I'm deliberately missing out people, there's too many to count :>

And everyone does their best to help improve the place.

Sounds pretty much like a village to me though I could be wrong.

I came across this place called USM when I was around 12 or 13, now I'm 17, my brother showed it to me and I thought "Hey this looks interesting" and signed up, little did I know that the time I spent on USM would help shape me as a person.

Ya see, I basically grew up from a kid into a young adult with USM watching me the entire time. I have much to thank it for, it taught me much about the lessons in life. USM has helped me and well somewhat guided me in my growing up in life.

The stories I've read, the experiences shared, told me about the world which I was sheltered from with my books. I learned compassion, I learned resiliance, I learned that people will still care for you even when you feel the whole world's against you. I learned about how it feels to loose someone whom you've never met but yet cared for. I've learned many other things and for that I have everybody to thank.

You see, in my life, I spend more time in school than at home. I spend more time with school or books than with my family. Yeah I dont have much of a life outside school. And even when I'm at home, I'll have work to do and so does my parents. They do their best to be there for me and I for them, but I suppose without USM I wouldn't be the person I am now.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, I suppose I would be one.

In USM I found a family, I found a second home, a place where I can turn to when I need a shoulder to cry on and know I'll always be welcomed back even though I'll be missing for an awfully long time. I found a place where people won't judge me for what race I am and where I'm from, you tend to forget about those things here ya know?

I'll never regret ever stumbling upon this site, this village, this place I call home, because this is one of the few places where I know that there are people who will be there for me when I need them, a place where I feel safe and loved.

Yep and so this is the village I call USM.

end transmission.

Yep it showed me things and made me experience things through another person. I've lost friends and gained friends there. Its a good place and a good village life. Sure feels awfully nice to be part of that community :)

Yep it taught me how to love and care for others more than I did before


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