Friday, June 30, 2006

Returning to where one came from

It was 730 in the morning when my alarm rang to wake me up. I laid in bed day dreaming a little, relaxing. Its quite suprising how one can really wake up like that... as well as how fast the time flew! GAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I planned to take an hour to get ready, but I was late ohhhhh noes! It was already 8 in the morning. Panic button was hit, red lights were flashing!

Then I just realised it was my projector clock's projector shining into my eye ow

So I made myself a small drink and got dressed, ready for a track uphill and downhill to the nearest bus stop (no exegerration there).

Where was I heading and why? A very simple question. I was heading to where I came from. Well not really back to my mother, but to my primary school, where my fellows were gathering so we could enjoy the soup noodles at the canteen *drool*

Alast! Not all goes well... Just before I reached the gate, I received a call from Kai, she told me that Tong Hin had called her to tell her that we couldn't go in due to some big shot china guy... oh well...... So I met Tong Hin and Martin and we all sat on the rails wondering what to do except wait for Kai Hua. It wasn't that long before she came with my long over due birthday present (Thank you very much, I need somebody with the human touch xD) ]

At that moment our dear former principal came out with the china people along with Mr Wong. Well we could remember Mr Wong but strangely we forgot our principal' s name, oh well maybe its cause she never really interacted with us, we only had her for our last year before we graduated.

So she wouldn't let us in later anyway unless we were visiting our teachers cause we would be loitering around, pft... We graduated in 2001. Plus she said she had CCTV installed so we couldn't sneak in. Unfortunately our teachers who taught us left last year so...

We waited.....and waited.....and waited..... cause Ming Xian was on his way :p Well he came and Kai told us he was coming only cause she owed him $1.50. Then we decided to head to Heartland mall since we were hungry T.T I had't had breakfast too...
(xD What a reason lol)

Then we found out another fella was coming, his name is Ongnardo but I'll just call him Ongy for short since I'm lazy (refer to previous entry). So he said he'll be there soon. So we

And waited...
And waited...

Then Tong Hin called Ongy. Turns out he was still in school. So we left him the longitudes and latitudes so he could navigate his way there and walked the whole way, in the hot sun...

Ming Xian did comment he owed Ongy quite a bit of money since he borrowed from him during our years together and never returned any xD

So then we made MX choose where we should eat and we settled for KFC (Kentucky Fried Chocobo...I wonder how'd that taste like ^^) Ongy joined us later while we were eating. He's got more hair now =3 Kai was the last to finish, complaining that we ate too fast. Problem was, 5 other people finishing around the same time ment she was eating too slow xD So.......Not our problem :p

So we sat and chatted and caught up with each other, MX was saying he wanted to go watch Scary Movie 4 which was what we decided to do since we had nothing better to do. Unfortunately I was broke but my friends were nice enough to chip in to pay for me :D Hurrah! (Thank you ^^)

Sooooo then we made our way to Plaza Singapura to watch the movie but Ongy left us cause he had another movie date with other friends whom he had promised to meet earlier. So money was passed to Tong Hin to buy the tickets since we didn't really trust MX with it. So tickets were bought and we had about 1 hour I think, to waste, soooo we went to the arcade yey :D

We watched this guy play "House of the dead 4" and when he lost, MX and TH played a new game together. There was a male and female character. So I asked "Whose the female?" Finger pointed to TH. Kai was telling me her friend was playing it and going "EEEEEE so ugly *shoots it*" Well valid enough reason I suppose for some people though I'm more the trigger happy kind of person.


And I'm a pacifist :D

So then we sailed around the mall a bit, checked out some stores before we went back to the arcade to play once more. MX played this reaaalllllyyyyy lame game. And I mean really lame...

One of the bits was where you had to hit a button repeatedly to cause pencil lead to fall out of a mechanical pencil. You had to push out several leads before you could win within the time.

Then we played DAYTONA oh joy ^^ but I was still broke, so Kai treated me to the game. Well given my track record for driving anything, chances are that I wouldn't do good. But someone up there must like me cause I got 1st woo hoo!

:p Either my driving skills have improved so I won't crash no more or they're worse drivers than me. Either that or its pure luck xD

So after scary movie I left them since I didn't live around my primary school =3 soo reached home.... then I cant remember what I really did except talk to a friend on the phone with my head on the floor and my feet on the head rest of a couch.

xD well tomorrow I'm going out again wheeee tata


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