Saturday, September 30, 2006

Observations from the deck: Living

All too often, I see people making a living and not a life. I suppose its getting harder and harder to have a life. People have dreams they wish to obtain, so much that they forget to live. Everybody loves to dreams and it'll be wonderful to obtain whatever they sought for, but hey there's flowers to stop by and smell.

Greed and the want to possess fuel our economy. Our want to stay ahead of our competitors. So here's my question, for what?

To stay alive? Well thats the only valid reason I could come up with, though it makes me wonder about the state of our society these days when money and status is valued... Hey wait a minute, its not only today but our history, Rousseau has a point when he said that society corrupted men.

Aye all right I conceed so we all want to possess things, we all want people to work together and so on, but the question is are we willing to give and work for others, even when we do not stand to benifit? I doubt so but well I've seen cases which disagree.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel that our generation, the Y generation, rather make a life than a living.

Makes me wonder, what makes a "life" then.

I suppose it is something we value, something we treasure and would never want to let go. I suppose it means filling it with what we cherish such as people and so on, and actually spending time with them... because well, our hearts need a reason to keep beating. So we live for others don't we?

But in today's society, when people spend more time at work or at school than at home, its rather hard to make the connection no? Some people I know would rather spend the entire day away from home due to the lack of family love. Others, due to work, do not see their family, for instance, leaving before the kids wake and returning when the kids are asleep. Its saddening.

Or even when we're at home, we still have work to do. We get so consumed with our work that we forget those around us. Then they die, then it hits you.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006


This was written by a net friend who died recently. I didn't know him directly, but I know he was a friend to my friends

Our life is much like the cycle of time which we call a day. Instead of the minutes and hours that make up a day, our life is measured in months and years. Yet, even though each is different in the scope of all things, they remain so much alike.

Our birth is much like the sun rising in the morning, giving light to the beginning of a new day. As we are born, it is indeed another beginning. Our life brings light and joy to those around us.

Our childhood is like the morning, when all awaken to meet the day. So do we go forth, and meet the challenges that shape and nurture us. Just as the morning is a time when we prepare to meet the day, so is childhood a time when we prepare to meet the life that lies ahead of us.

The hours before noon are like the life we live as young adults. Full of vigor, rushing headlong to meet the duties of life, just as the hours of of the morn rush headlong into the heart of the day. It is that time both in life, and in the day, when many are at their best, able to meet any challenge, conquer any mountain, reach any goal.

The hours of the afternoon are like that time in our life when we have reached our peak. The rigors of the morning have passed, and we look forward to the end of the day. So is our outlook on life, as we reflect back on all that we have done, and we prepare for that time when we can rest.

As the evening comes, bringing with it the twilight of day, so do our lives pass into the twilight years. It is that time of rest and relaxation, when we look back at both the work of the day, and fruits of our lives. But alas, just as the sun soon leaves the sky, so does our own life begin to come to an end.

Night is like our final days. Just as the day is coming to an end, so do the days of our life. It is that time when we have done all that we can possibly do, and know the time for sleep will soon be upon us.

Yes, our life is so much like the days that we will know, and even though the day may be gone, it is never totally forgotten. For each day has an impact on someone's life. Just like the day, we will not be forgotten, for each of us in some way will impact the life of another. And just like some days are stormy, so are some lives. But even the stormiest of days, and the stormiest of lives, can have that silver lining.

Just as not all days are bright sunshine, so will there be times in our life when not all is bright. Do not let those days take you under though, for just as the clouds will pass, and the sun will again shine, so will our lives again seem to have meaning.

Do not fear the dark of the day, nor the final years of life. Embrace it, welcome it, and know that the toils of life have passed, and it is indeed a time when you can rest, look back, and say, I have lived my life as best I could.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Codfish seriously wants to drive

TV adv of ISUZU Gemini, note that all were not computer graphic, those cars were really 'flying' in the air!

Codfish would like to drive like that :p

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Which tarot card is the codfish?

Hmm many results but perhaps they all describe me

You Are The Star

You represent the ultimate in truth and purity.
Insightful and illuminating, you provide guidance for others.
You also demonstrate unselfish, unconditional love.
You posses many spiritual gifts, including the ability to heal.

Your fortune:

Your future is looking brighter by the day.
The near future will be a time of both hope and healing.
Luck is about to come your way, perhaps the best luck you have ever seen.
Life is about to get a lot easier and much better!

I Am

Which tarot card are you?

You scored as III - The Empress. The Empress is a maternal symbol. She is the mother figure who loves, nurtures and protects.
She will protect you, she will always be there when you are in trouble. When you fall over and graze your knee, the Empress will kiss it better.
Yet she is not a weak figure. Her compassion is strength. If her children are threatened she will stop at nothing to protect them. If well aspected in a Tarot spread, the Empress can symbolise security, protection and unconditional love. If badly aspected it can represent over-protectiveness, fear of risk taking and refusal to face the real world.

III - The Empress


II - The High Priestess


XIII: Death


I - Magician


XI: Justice


X - Wheel of Fortune


0 - The Fool


XVI: The Tower


VIII - Strength


XIX: The Sun


IV - The Emperor


VI: The Lovers


XV: The Devil


Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
created with

You are the Wheel of Fortune card. The Wheel of Fortune continues one of the major themes of the major arcana: balance. Here the universal tendency towards balance is described by the Law of Karma. Karma is your destiny as a result of actions you have taken in the past. For example, treating the elderly in a mean fashion would result in you being treated in a like manner as you age. This is because you have introduced and perpetuated a mode of behaviour that becomes an ingrained pattern in your subconscious so that as an elder you expect others to treat you with disrespect. The Wheel of Fortune also operates on a scale larger than ourselves. Our fate or destiny is in part determined by factors beyond our control. An obvious example is that you would not be able to read these words without the invention of the internet, which has impacted millions of people who had absolutely nothing to do with its creation. Luck describes these external forces over which we have no control and is the province of the Wheel of Fortune. Image from the Aquatic Tarot deck.
Take this quiz!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Codfish Entertainment: How it should have ended and the Vaders

Gotta love these shows

How Superman should have ended

How Lord of the Rings should have ended

And the Vaders

Friday, September 08, 2006

Captain did an interesting thing

Now to not set your alarm to wake you up in the middle of the night is one thing. To recall that in a dream and wake up to set the alarm clock is another.

Now I was happily dreaming away that I was watching this concert and playing a kind of detective. Then I suddenly remembered I had not set my alarm to wake me up at 0700. Soo...I literially woke up, reached over for my cell phone and set the alarm. It was 0345. Then I went back to sleep and continued dreaming.


Now here's a picture of our gym door that leads outside
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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Exams, Prelims and Papers Oh My!

Ta da its that wonderous time of the year again where exams are just around the corner and you're going "Oh crap!" and busy jamming everything in. Life is sweet =D

I haven't been able to post much due to my busy schedule, leaving before the sun rises and coming home when the cheshire cat is grinning back at me. Tempted to wipe that smirk of his face with calculus.

I'm hoping I'll be able to scrape through this exam

In the meantime, see the tuba
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