Friday, June 30, 2006

Returning to where one came from

It was 730 in the morning when my alarm rang to wake me up. I laid in bed day dreaming a little, relaxing. Its quite suprising how one can really wake up like that... as well as how fast the time flew! GAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I planned to take an hour to get ready, but I was late ohhhhh noes! It was already 8 in the morning. Panic button was hit, red lights were flashing!

Then I just realised it was my projector clock's projector shining into my eye ow

So I made myself a small drink and got dressed, ready for a track uphill and downhill to the nearest bus stop (no exegerration there).

Where was I heading and why? A very simple question. I was heading to where I came from. Well not really back to my mother, but to my primary school, where my fellows were gathering so we could enjoy the soup noodles at the canteen *drool*

Alast! Not all goes well... Just before I reached the gate, I received a call from Kai, she told me that Tong Hin had called her to tell her that we couldn't go in due to some big shot china guy... oh well...... So I met Tong Hin and Martin and we all sat on the rails wondering what to do except wait for Kai Hua. It wasn't that long before she came with my long over due birthday present (Thank you very much, I need somebody with the human touch xD) ]

At that moment our dear former principal came out with the china people along with Mr Wong. Well we could remember Mr Wong but strangely we forgot our principal' s name, oh well maybe its cause she never really interacted with us, we only had her for our last year before we graduated.

So she wouldn't let us in later anyway unless we were visiting our teachers cause we would be loitering around, pft... We graduated in 2001. Plus she said she had CCTV installed so we couldn't sneak in. Unfortunately our teachers who taught us left last year so...

We waited.....and waited.....and waited..... cause Ming Xian was on his way :p Well he came and Kai told us he was coming only cause she owed him $1.50. Then we decided to head to Heartland mall since we were hungry T.T I had't had breakfast too...
(xD What a reason lol)

Then we found out another fella was coming, his name is Ongnardo but I'll just call him Ongy for short since I'm lazy (refer to previous entry). So he said he'll be there soon. So we

And waited...
And waited...

Then Tong Hin called Ongy. Turns out he was still in school. So we left him the longitudes and latitudes so he could navigate his way there and walked the whole way, in the hot sun...

Ming Xian did comment he owed Ongy quite a bit of money since he borrowed from him during our years together and never returned any xD

So then we made MX choose where we should eat and we settled for KFC (Kentucky Fried Chocobo...I wonder how'd that taste like ^^) Ongy joined us later while we were eating. He's got more hair now =3 Kai was the last to finish, complaining that we ate too fast. Problem was, 5 other people finishing around the same time ment she was eating too slow xD So.......Not our problem :p

So we sat and chatted and caught up with each other, MX was saying he wanted to go watch Scary Movie 4 which was what we decided to do since we had nothing better to do. Unfortunately I was broke but my friends were nice enough to chip in to pay for me :D Hurrah! (Thank you ^^)

Sooooo then we made our way to Plaza Singapura to watch the movie but Ongy left us cause he had another movie date with other friends whom he had promised to meet earlier. So money was passed to Tong Hin to buy the tickets since we didn't really trust MX with it. So tickets were bought and we had about 1 hour I think, to waste, soooo we went to the arcade yey :D

We watched this guy play "House of the dead 4" and when he lost, MX and TH played a new game together. There was a male and female character. So I asked "Whose the female?" Finger pointed to TH. Kai was telling me her friend was playing it and going "EEEEEE so ugly *shoots it*" Well valid enough reason I suppose for some people though I'm more the trigger happy kind of person.


And I'm a pacifist :D

So then we sailed around the mall a bit, checked out some stores before we went back to the arcade to play once more. MX played this reaaalllllyyyyy lame game. And I mean really lame...

One of the bits was where you had to hit a button repeatedly to cause pencil lead to fall out of a mechanical pencil. You had to push out several leads before you could win within the time.

Then we played DAYTONA oh joy ^^ but I was still broke, so Kai treated me to the game. Well given my track record for driving anything, chances are that I wouldn't do good. But someone up there must like me cause I got 1st woo hoo!

:p Either my driving skills have improved so I won't crash no more or they're worse drivers than me. Either that or its pure luck xD

So after scary movie I left them since I didn't live around my primary school =3 soo reached home.... then I cant remember what I really did except talk to a friend on the phone with my head on the floor and my feet on the head rest of a couch.

xD well tomorrow I'm going out again wheeee tata

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Music quiz

This is just for my own amusement

Go to your iTunes/media player/WinAmp and put it all on shuffle.
Say the following questions aloud, and after each one press play.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.

1. What do you think of me?
Blue - Sorry seems to be the hardest word

2. Will I have a happy life?
Bardot - Got me where you want me

3. What do my friends really think of me?
Natural Dreams - Africa Awakens - Serengeti Sunrise

4. Do people secretly lust after me?
Shaggy - Angel

5. How can I make myself happy?
Enya - The memory of trees

6. What should I do with my life?
March of Ghost ~ 亡霊の行進 ~

7. Why must life be so full of pain?
A1 - Everytime

8. How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
Enya - Orinoco flow

9. Will I ever have children?
Natural Dreams - Africa Awakens - Kilimanjaro

10. Will I die happy?
Fess Parker - The Ballad Of Davy Crockett

11. Can you give me some advice?
Enya - Adiemus

12. Do you know where your children are?
Westlife - Change the world

13. What do you think happiness is?
Sarah McLachlan - Fumbling towards ecstasy

14. What's your favourite fetish?
Nathan Lane, Ernie Sabella, Jason Weaver & Joseph Williams - Hakuna Matata

The effects of coffee

Coffee is a wonderful thing. Interestingly, coffee is the second most commonly traded commodity in the world (measured by monetary volume), trailing only petroleum, and the most consumed beverage. Note to self, next shipment, add coffee and coffee makers. Now here is an equation most people might want to be aware of.

Tired sleepy Captain + Coffee = Hyper Codfish whose feisty

Today was the shipdeck exam where we were tested about the various biological stuff we find in the ocean. (Bio exam today) It was a nightmare! I hope I did do well for the exams. Might affect my status as Captain of me ship.

Well there's a final examination on Tuesday and I'll have five days to prepare for my listening exam. Tuning ears :p

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The pounding of the sea

Alast even a captain must face the pounding of the eternal sea in one's own head. Unfortunately the pounding lasted the whole day........

Hurts to think what to write.

Lazy Captain

Sitting on my favourite spot at 1 in the morning while chatting to some of the other captains, nice feeling really, aside from music from 50 years ago playing on the radio. Not that I'm one to complain, but it was those songs which were sung in dialect.

I'm a lazy captain...

I'm too lazy to go to sleep cause it takes effort to get off the computer to get to bed

King me

Friday, June 23, 2006

Caution I bite

The day started off as a wonderful day, the weather was fine just for sailing, though those black clouds at the horizon gave an omnimus gloom. The birds sang gaily and I awoke to their merry chirping. I sat on my bed wondering...


Those pesky critters seem to enjoy making me into their buffet table. I swear they are like stealth bombers with a singing lady on each wing. One would figure they would be happy with one serving, but nooooooo they had to come for seconds, and thirds...and fourths... so I'm counting about eight speed bumps on both my tail fins. I swear I either taste good or they want to run me out of business. And they didn't even pay! The gall of them.

They should be given a sign "Caution I bite" in big red flashing neon letters.
Then we'd know where those buggers are.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cod Terminolgy

Some words I came up which may explain some day to day activities

Cheongwork: Work done at the last minute. Cheong means to rush through something

Prain: Spraining one's brain by studying too much causing it much pain

Projamming: The art of cramming everything you need for an examination but the information jams before it. Or the phenomenon of craming programming info into one's brain before an examination

Reminiscence of my former sailing exploits, a true story

Contrary to popular belief, I ever did sail on the real ocean on my own boat. No I didn't own one, it was rented. It was a topper with a 2-3 meter tall mast, at least I think it was that height, I don't know but it sure hurt when it swayed and accidentlly wonked me on the head... or was it the boom... did anyone get the number of that truck?

Picture of a topper boat (the one with the sail, not the little rubber thingy on the left)

However, NOT contrary to popular belief, I was a terrible sailor. All right not so terrible but I was the only one in class who didn't pass my final sailing exam. It wasn't my fault honestly! All right it was but... whine...
Why I wasn't allowed to pass, was because we had this thing called "Man overboard manuvuer" where we had to haul extra life jackets out of the boat to pretend that it was a "partner" who had fallen off the boat. You had to circle around to come get him. Unfortunately for the life vest and fortunately it wasn't a man, I kept running over mine. The most vivd memory of that experience was the bump noise it made when I realised that I had run over it, and it had been caught smack with my rudder.

Here vesty vesty vesty

*checks rudder cause I felt the drag*
*prays hard the examinor didn't see it*

Now another thing why I'm a terrible sailor. Scroll up to look at the picture of the topper boat, now think how tall it should be. Now imagine that little boat...sailing under the docks... Yep you read right, I managed to sail under the docks, with a mast that high. Only a genius (or an absolute idiot) should be capable of such things. Had to be nicely towed out, it was hilarious though. I was the only one who managed to do it.

Another point that I'm a terrible sailor, the currents blew me to the rocks, I had to figure out how to move my boat out to sea again. The instructor wasn't around, turns out she was helping another person who got stuck at the rocks. So hurrah I wasn't the only one. But it was a really fightentening and well, one of a time experience, you try moving the huge boat with a small rudder, which was out of the water, you try it, wasn't an easy feat, but oh joy I managed to get out into water...

Only to realise that my string for controlling the sails, was under the rudder... now it would not seem very difficult would it? Unfortunately, my ship was "on the run" which ment, my sail was thrown 90 degrees open, and catching the wind completely. While my boat was sailing along, rockily, I couldn't move my rudder cause the rope jammed it, so I couldn't turn the boat to resting mode.

In short, I was moving along unsteadily, with no way of controlling the boat.

I did the only thing I could think of at the moment, try and unhook the rope from the pully system. Which was kind of dangerous and scary thing to do since the pully was swinging back and forth in the wind, hence it could have given me something more than a headache or loose an eye if I wasn't careful. Well I somehow managed to do it and my boat came to a complete stop.

Oh joy so now I'm stuck in the middle of the sea, with my sail flapping in the wind, and my rope still jammed under the rudder. Somehow I managed to work the rope free, fix up the whole thing again and continue sailing like nothing ever happend.

On closer look, I should have just capsized my boat. It would have been easier to remove everything and fix it back. But nooo I had to be lazy cause I didn't want to turn the boat up again... plus I was scared.

So even though I had these experiences, I missed sailing... well to be out on the ocean to be exact. Though the mishaps were an adventure.

On another side, I lost my hat while sailing once, never wore another hat again after that... My hat... So if anyone finds a white hat with a black inside at sea, or black hat with a white inside, its probably mine, so please return it. Will trade chocolate chip cookies for it.

This is the real side of Captain Codfish signing off

Day 1 (again) of the day on the open sea

I shall maintain that my quill pen has a life of its own and enjoys dipping itself in invisible ink while I write a log. ( My internet browser crashed while I was trying to post the first post) Either that or the book hates me at the moment. I shall maintain it is the former... either that or someone will be in alot of pain, namely me.

Very well here's another introduction. My shipmates keep asking me if I've been logging my daily events, being the procrastinator I have been I'm finally starting only now. So I shall begin by introducing myself.

You can call me Captain Codfish, though my real name is heh I'll just leave it to you to figure out, I'm just plain lazy to type it out. I'm a 17 year old captain of a rather small ship which sails through the seas of time. I shall be documenting my life as it goes along. Storms will be expected, be it internal or external. Though the internal ones are often the worse. Have you ever tried chasing a rain cloud out of a hold? Its havoc I assure you, with nothing else other than a broom. And often you accidentally, maybe "accidentally" actually.... hmm I just made another alliteration (there I did it again!)... hit others with the broom in the process.

I enjoy alliteration and many other things, possibly called crazy by the other captains who know and see me, though I'm sure and hoping that my shipmates know better, but oh well, I am crazy, ever seen a captain try to sail a ship backwards? (walking backwards is fun :D)
Now to actually explain what I mean:

The ship represents my life, The sea represnts whatever I meet along the way in time, hence the seas of time. My shipmates would be the people closest to me. I shall be writing in the format as above and if anyone has trouble understanding what I mean, feel free to ask for an explaination. I enjoy writing in a way that screams "Absolute nonsence" to some people. Might be a while before I post another entry since I'm a procrastinator... speaking of which I have alot of work to do... Words in italics means I'm talking sensible, or at least trying to not being Captain Codfish. Why a codfish of all fishes?! Easy I like alliteration, plus I'm a piscean. This fish sense to you?

The yearly midyear ship examinations arrr (arrr pirates get it? ^^;) coming soon soo I should really get down to polishing and cleaning the ship. So long and thanks for all the fish!

This is Captain Codfish signing off, praying the invisible ink won't act up again... though this time I'm making a copy of it. So I wouldn't have to rewrite all this, holding a quill pen with flippers is a daunting task indeed.